The Galapagos!
“This is no joke,” my dear friend, Nicole, says the second day of our trip among the Galapagos Islands. She’s absolutely correct. We’re yachting around the Galapagos Islands in a beautifully appointed 120-foot vessel and we’re all reaching into our…

TV Show: KEC Connections with Grace Harrington Murdoch
See our new TV show, Kaleidoscope Connections, featuring Grace Harrington Murdoch. Grace of Inner Light Healing is a wonderful healer and teacher. She helps parents and children through her work. In our TV interview, learn how polarity, Reiki, astrology, flower essence therapy,…

I miss Santa
I stand in line to purchase yet another item from the very detailed list each child has given me and realize I am not happy. Holiday shopping feels like a to-do list and this is not how I want it…

Summer Recipes
I have been asked for these kid-friendly recipes repeatedly over the last few weeks, so I thought to make them available here for handy reference. These are great, easy and relatively light recipes for summer and early fall. Mix and…

Edward Scissorhands
“You are just like Edward Scissorhands!” I say to Greg as we take the million pieces out the boxes to build my new greenhouse. He has a dislocated thumb on his left hand from an injury several months ago…

Blueberry Pancakes
“Do you think he will be there?” one of my daughter’s friends asks her. “I don’t know, but maybe,” my daughter, Katy, answers to many giggles. (I am driving 7 girls to the mall as part of Katy’s…
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