Strategy & You
I’m speaking at the Enterprise Center on Tuesday, December 5th 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. It’s a 2-hour FREE hands-on workshop about what you want in 2018. Seriously, it’s about what you want. Do you want to change the way…

Let Me Know What You Think!
My work has evolved and is ready to play in the world. Woo hoo! I have changed my consulting practice to help individuals instead of businesses and to openly use my intuition and other powerful tools. But, what will happen to…

Tap into Your Intuition
“How do you use your intuition?” Katy asks me several weeks ago. It’s a crazy time and I don’t have the ability to focus on a complete answer. I say distractedly, “Oh, just say yes.” “What do you mean?” I…

Samantha: Our Feelings Girl
“Hi, I am Samantha and I am friends with Henry, Amanda, Larry & Gary, Gerald and the rest of our gang. We have lots of fun together. I am the feelings girl and that means that I honor and express…
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