Connections: Lisa Russell
Lisa M. Russell, Live More Realized Healing Arts Center I’m blessed to be able to connect with incredibly gifted people who help me create magic in my life. Lisa Russell is one such person. I’ve been seeing her for about…

Connections: TRISH Massage
“Happiness lies, first of all, in health.” – George William Curtis With everything going on in the world today, it’s important we take time to care for ourselves. What better way than to get a massage? TRISH Massage offers massage…

Connections: The Great Courses
I just become aware of a wonderful learning resource that is so convenient, so accessible, and so affordable. Check out The Great Courses online at www.thegreatcourses.com to learn about science, music, art, language, philosophy and so much more. I just…

TV Show: KEC Connections with Grace Harrington Murdoch
See our new TV show, Kaleidoscope Connections, featuring Grace Harrington Murdoch. Grace of Inner Light Healing is a wonderful healer and teacher. She helps parents and children through her work. In our TV interview, learn how polarity, Reiki, astrology, flower essence therapy,…

Our Premiere TV Show!
Our premiere TV show, Kaleidoscope Connections, features Roberta Chadis. We love Roberta’s enthusiasm, passion and joy for life! She gives voice to others through her businesses, Dog Health News ™, Get Your Voice Out There ™, and Public Speaking for…

Connections | Eileen McKone Erni | Positive Change with Hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a powerful, yet soothing method to lessen anxiety, increase self-confidence, change habits, ease addictions, improve sleep, and create a better life. Question: Where can you go for an hour to talk through your most pending issues then lay…

Connections: Roberta Chadis, Dog Health News™
I have known Roberta for almost 25 years! We met while working at a financial services company. I was in finance and Roberta was in purchasing. I loved talking with her even then, as she was always cheerful and kind….
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